■ Single item cash sale (SICS)/single item finalize (SIF) entries
The operation is the same as that for normal department/PLU/EAN entries. The SICS and SIF functions can
be available only when the KP receipt type is “addition receipt type.”
SICS entries
• This function is useful when a sale is for only one item and is for cash; such as a pack of cigarettes. This
function is applicable only to those departments that have been set for SICS or to their associated PLUs,
subdepartments or EANs.
• The transaction is finalized and the drawer opens as soon as you press the department key,
key or the direct PLU key.
If an entry to a department, PLU/subdepartment or EAN set for SICS follows the ones to
departments, PLUs/subdepartments or EAN not set for SICS, it does not finalize and results in a
normal sale.
SIF entries
• If an entry to a department, PLU/subdepartment or EAN set for SIF follows the ones to departments,
PLUs/subdepartments or EANs not set for SIF, the transaction is finalized immediately as a cash sale.
• Like the SICS function, this function is available for single-item cash settlement.
■ Scale entries
You have a choice of either the manual or automatic method for scale entry.
If the first method is chosen, the clerk needs to enter the reading of the scale manually. If the second one is
chosen, the weight is automatically read from the connected scale (option) and appears in the POS terminal
display. If you need manual scale entries, contact your authorized SHARP dealer.
Auto scale entries
FF method
Direct PLU
Base wt.
Scale table number
Tare weight
When you use a
programmed scale
table number.
When you use a
base wt. programmed
for PLU code
For finishing
the transaction
PrintKey operation
For finishing
the transaction
PrintKey operation