*This void is applied to opened GLU.
The screen continues.
■ Function text
You can program a maximum of 12 characters for each function by using the following table:
Program each item as follows:
• TEXT (Use the character entry)
Description for the cash in drawer. Up to 12 characters can be entered.
No. Function
035 Guest check counter G.C. CNT
036 PBAL (for GLU)
037 NBAL (for GLU)
038 Starting cash memory (+) SCM (+)
039 Starting cash memory (–) SCM (–)
040 Exchange 1 is EXCH1 IS
041 Exchange 2 is EXCH2 IS
042 Exchange 3 is EXCH3 IS
043 Exchange 4 is EXCH4 IS
044 Exchange 5 is EXCH5 IS
045 Exchange 6 is EXCH6 IS
046 Exchange 7 is EXCH7 IS
047 Exchange 8 is EXCH8 IS
048 Exchange 9 is EXCH9 IS
049 Cash/check is CA/CK IS
050 Cash/check in drawer CA/CK ID
051 Guest GUEST
052 Non-commission sale NON COM.
053 VIP1 sale VIP1 SALE
054 VIP2 sale VIP2 SALE
055 VIP3 sale VIP3 SALE
056 Order total ORDER TL
057 Paid total PAID TL
058 Transfer out TRAN.OUT
059 Transfer in TRAN.IN
060 Tip paid TIP PAID
061 Domestic currency 1 DOM.CUR1
062 Domestic currency 2 DOM.CUR2
063 Domestic currency 3 DOM.CUR3
064 Domestic currency 4 DOM.CUR4
065 Domestic currency 5 DOM.CUR5
066 Domestic currency 6 DOM.CUR6
067 Domestic currency 7 DOM.CUR7
068 Domestic currency 8 DOM.CUR8
No. Function
001 Promotion discount DISCOUNT
002 Difference DIFFER
003 Taxable 1 subtotal TAX1 ST
004 Taxable 2 subtotal TAX2 ST
005 Taxable 3 subtotal TAX3 ST
006 Taxable 4 subtotal TAX4 ST
007 Taxable 5 subtotal TAX5 ST
008 Taxable 6 subtotal TAX6 ST
009 VAT/tax 1 VAT 1
010 VAT/tax 2 VAT 2
011 VAT/tax 3 VAT 3
012 VAT/tax 4 VAT 4
013 VAT/tax 5 VAT 5
014 VAT/tax 6 VAT 6
015 Net 1 N E T 1
016 Net 2 N E T 2
017 Coupon-like PLU CP PLU
*018* Void issued order-receipt VD
019 Subtotal void SBTL VD
020 MGR void MGR VD
021 Void mode V O I D
022 Refund REFUND
023 Return RETURN
Hash void issued order-receipt
025 Hash refund HASH RF
026 Hash return HASH RT
*027* Non-turnover void NOTURNVD
028 Non-turnover refund NOTURNRF
029 Non-turnover return NOTURNRT
030 VAT shift VAT SFT
031 VAT/tax delete TAX DELE
032 VP counter VP CNT
033 Bill counter BILL CNT
034 No sale NO SALE