■ Cash in drawer
You can program the description and the upper limit amounts for cash in drawer (sentinel).
Program each item as follows:
• TEXT (Use the character entry)
Description for the cash in drawer. Up to 12 characters can be entered.
• HALO (High Amount Lockout) (Use the numeric entry)
Limit amount: 0 to 9999999.99
■ Charge key
Program each item as follows:
• TEXT (Use the character entry)
Description for the credit key. Up to 12 characters can be entered.
• HALO (High Amount Lockout) (Use the numeric entry)
AB is the same as A x 10
A: Significant digit (1 through 9)
B: Number of zeros to follow the significant digit (0 through 8)
You can set AB at 18 for no limitation.
• EFT (Use the selective entry)
COMPUL.: Makes EFT function compulsory.
NON-COMPUL.: Makes EFT function non-compulsory.
• BILL PR. (Use the selective entry)
COMPUL.: Compulsory bill printing
NON-COMPUL.: Non-compulsory bill printing
• FOOTER PR. (Use the selective entry)
This item decides whether or not your POS terminal should print a
message at the foot of a receipt when a specified credit key is used.
YES: Enables footer printing on the receipt.
NO: Disables footer printing on the receipt.
• NON-ADD# (Use the selective entry)
COMPUL.: Compulsory non-add code entry
NON-COMPUL.: Non-compulsory non-add code entry
• CHANGE DUE (Use the selective entry)
DISABLE: Disables change calculation.
ENABLE: Enables change calculation.
• VP (Use the selective entry)
COMPUL.: Compulsory validation printing
NON-COMPUL.: Non-compulsory validation printing
• DRAWER OPEN (Use the selective entry)
YES: Opens the drawer.
NO: Disables the drawer opening.
• AMOUNT (Use the selective entry)
COMPUL.: Makes amount tendered entry compulsory.
INHIBITED: Inhibits amount tendered entry.
You can also select the
charge key by pressing the
corresponding key when it
has been placed directly on
the keyboard.
The screen continues.