Wireless Router RNX-GX4 User’s Manual
network administrator will need to assign routing table for routers. So the router will
know how to assign the clients for the ease of Network Management.
h Destination Network or IP address: Specify a certain destination
Network or IP address which static route forward to.
h Subnet Mask: Subnet Mask is used to define Network portion and
Host portion for an IP address.
h Next-Hop IP address: Using 802.11b and 802.11g mixed mode may
result in poor network performance. By enabling the 802.11 protection,
it will improve performance of 802.11g devices in your wireless
3.12 RNX-GX4’s System Management Page
System Management provides you with Password setting, Firmware upgrade,
System restart, and Restore Default options.
h Restore Default: By clicking the “Restore Default” button, your
RNX-GX4 will start restore back to factory default setting. Please do not
remove power when Router is resetting.