Wireless Router RNX-GX4 User’s Manual
When selecting “PPPoE user (ADSL)” as your internet connection method,
please enter your PPPoE Username and PPPoE Password provided by your
Internet Service Provider. When complete entering, please click “Save Settings”
to save and complete your basic setup.
3.2.3 Static user in Convenient Setup
When selecting “Static user” as your internet connection method, you will need
to enter WAN IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, Primary DNS, and
Secondary DNS provided by your Internet Service Provider.
3.3 RNX-GX4’s System information Page
System information provides the Access information on Internet Access Info, LAN Info,
Primary AP Info, Secondary AP Info, and Statistics Info which helps you understand
more of RNX-GX4’s current status.
h Internet Access Info: This Section provides with Information on your
Connection Type, Physical Address (RNX-GX4’s MAC address), IP