Wireless Router RNX-GX4 User’s Manual
page. You can click on “More……” to see a popup page for more help.
3.2 RNX-GX4’s Convenient Setup Page
“Convenient Setup” provides you with a quick startup for getting your wireless to
work. You can select from the three options for your specific network environment.
However, this section is a simple version from the "Internet Setup”, if you are
looking to have a more detail control options please see "3.3 RNX-GX4’s Internet
Setup Page”.
Convenient Setup: provides you with One-Click to enable the Wireless function. However the default
Wireless Enable does not contains Wireless Encryption. Please do follow the Section 3.5.2 Router’s
Wireless Security Setup on how to set your RNX-GX4 from unauthorized connection.
h DHCP user (Cable Modem)
h PPPoE user (ADSL)
h Static user
3.2.1 DHCP user (for Cable modem) in Convenient
When selecting “DHCP user (Cable Modem)” as your internet connection
method, please enter the DNS server address as the Primary DNS and
Secondary DNS provided by your Internet Service Provider. You may also be
required to enter the MAC address in some cases depending if your ISP requires.
When complete entering, please click “Save Settings” to save and complete
your basic setup.
3.2.2 PPPoE user (for DSL modem) in Convenient Setup