alphanumeric characters for insertion in a label. (See Labeling
pictures on page 50.)
l Enter button: If the Label field is active, enters the currently
displayed character in the space above the cursor and moves
the cursor to the right. (See Labeling pictures on page 50.)
m Shutter button: Pressing half-way down focuses the camera
and measures available light for automatically setting
exposure. Pressing fully takes a picture. Also used with other
buttons to delete pictures from the camera.
n Backlight Compensation button: Increases exposure for
correct subject lighting in backlighted scenes. See
Compensating for back lighting on page 49.
o Battery compartment: Holds the four rechargeable NiCad
“AA” batteries powering the camera.
p Index button: Changes the camera to Index mode for
scrolling through picture numbers and labels and deleting
pictures. Pressing a second time returns the camera to Capture
mode for taking pictures. (See Capture and Index modes on
page 40 for more information.)
q White Balance button: Sets the camera for accurate color
rendition in daylight, incandescent light or fluorescent light.
See Setting the camera for current lighting conditions on
page 43.
r Auto Focus button: Disables automatic focus and sets focus
distance at infinity. See Using Auto Focus on page 48.
s Flash button: Sets flash for automatic, on or off. See Using
flash on page 46.