5 To use the drive and directory displayed in the dialog box,
click Continue.
To change the drive or directory, enter the new location
before clicking Continue.
6 Follow instructions on the screen to complete the installation.
7 Remove the diskette from the floppy drive.
Installing PDC-2000
To install PDC-2000 Direct:
1 Turn on the computer and start Windows.
2 Insert the PDC-2000 Direct for Windows diskette into the
floppy drive.
3 From the Program Manager menu, choose Run.
4 Type a:\setup (or b:\setup if the diskette is in drive B) and
click OK.
5 To use the drive and directory displayed in the dialog box,
click Continue.
To change the drive or directory, enter the new location
before clicking Continue.
6 Follow instructions on the screen to complete the installation.
7 Remove the diskette from the floppy drive.
Verifying camera internal settings from your PC
The PDC-2000 camera stores the following settings in its
internal memory:
• User name
• Default picture label
• Current date