
PM5358 S/UNI-4x622 Driver Manual
Data Structures
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc. 40
Document ID: PMC-2010419, Issue 1
Field Name Field Type Field Description
ptimeprdi UINT1
Controls whether path trace identifier mismatch can cause
EPRDI insertion
paisconpais UINT1
Controls whether AIS concatenation events can cause PAIS
lopconpais UINT1
Controls whether loss of pointer concatenation events can
cause PAIS insertion
pslmpais UINT1
Controls whether path signal label mismatch can cause
PAIS insertion
pslupais UINT1
Controls whether path signal label unstable can cause PAIS
loppais UINT1
Controls whether loss of signal can cause PAIS insertion
tiupais UINT1
Controls whether path TIU can cause PAIS insertion
timpais UINT1
Controls whether path TIM can cause PAIS insertion
autopfebe UINT1
Controls whether path BIP errors can cause FEBE insertion
Per-Channel Payload Processor Configuration
Table 16: S/UNI-4x622 Payload Processor: sSUNI4x622_CFG_PYLD
Field Name Field Type Field Description
rxddscr UINT1
RX descrambles payload
rxcpdiscor UINT1
Disables ATM HCS error correction
rxcpidlepass UINT1
RX ignore idle cell header pattern and mask for ATM cells
rxcpccdis UINT1
Disables cell delineation and filtering
rxcplcdc UINT2
RX LCD Count Threshold
rxcpidlehdr UINT1
RX idle cell header
rxcpidlemask UINT1
RX idle cell mask
rxfpfcssel UINT1
RX FCS select
rxfpfcspass UINT1
RX selects FCS stripping