
PM5358 S/UNI-4x622 Driver Manual
Data Structures
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc. 39
Document ID: PMC-2010419, Issue 1
Field Name Field Type Field Description
lcdprdi UINT1
Controls whether loss of cell delineation can cause PRDI
alrmprdi UINT1
Controls whether LOS,LOF or LAIS can cause PRDI
paisprdi UINT1
Controls whether PAIS can cause PRDI insertion
pslmprdi UINT1
Controls whether Path signal label mismatch can cause
PRDI insertion
lopprdi UINT1
Controls whether loss of pointer indications can cause
PRDI insertion
lopconprdi UINT1
Controls whether loss of pointer concatenation indications
can cause PRDI insertion
ptiuprdi UINT1
Controls whether path trace identifier unstable can cause
PRDI insertion
ptimprdi UINT1
Controls whether path trace identifier mismatch can cause
PRDI insertion
paisconprdi UINT1
Controls whether path AIS concatenation events can cause
PRDI insertion
uneqprdi UINT1
Controls whether unequipped path signal label can cause
PRDI insertion
lcdeprdi UINT1
Controls whether loss of cell delineation can cause EPRDI
noalmeprdi UINT1
Controls whether LOS,LOF or LAIS will disable EPRDI
nopaiseprdi UINT1
Controls whether PAIS will disable EPRDI insertion
pslmeprdi UINT1
Controls whether Path signal label mismatch can cause
EPRDI insertion
nolopeprdi UINT1
Controls whether loss of pointer indications can disable
EPRDI insertion
nolopconeprdi UINT1
Controls whether loss of pointer concatenation indications
will disable EPRDI insertion
ptiueprdi UINT1
Controls whether path trace identifier unstable can cause
EPRDI insertion