PM5358 S/UNI-4x622 Driver Manual
Data Structures
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc. 28
Document ID: PMC-2010419, Issue 1
Field Name Field Type Field Description
cbackPYLD sSUNI4x622_CBACK
Address for the callback function for
PYLD events
cbackFIFO sSUNI4x622_CBACK
Address for the callback function for FIFO
cbackIntfLine sSUNI4x622_CBACK
Address for the callback function for Line
Interface events
cbackIntfSys sSUNI4x622_CBACK
Address for the callback function for
System Interface events
cbackAPS sSUNI4x622_CBACK
Address for the callback function for APS
cfgGlobal sSUNI4x622_CFG_GLOBAL
Global configuration block
cfgChan[4] sSUNI4x622_CFG_CHAN
Channel configuration block (4 channels
per device)
ISR Enable/Disable Mask
Passed via the suni4x622SetMask, suni4x622GetMask and suni4x622ClrMask calls, this
structure contains all the information needed by the driver to enable and disable any of the
interrupts in the S/UNI-4x622.
Table 3: S/UNI-4x622 ISR Mask: sSUNI4x622_MASK_ISR
Field Name Field Type Field Description
maskIntfSys sSUNI4x622_MASK_ISR
Interrupt mask for System Interface
maskChan[4] sSUNI4x622_MASK_ISR
Interrupt mask for each channel (4 channels
per device)
maskAPS[4] sSUNI4x622_MASK_ISR
Interrupt mask for each channel in the APS
link (4 APS channels per device)