3-573160-A2-GB22-10 December 1996
Performance Report
Network performance is continuously monitored and
maintained in internal memory registers when the network
interface is configured for ESF operation. The DSU/CSU
maintains two sets of registers: Carrier Network Interface
Registers (Telco) and User Network Interface Registers
(User). The User registers contain an extra status register
(Status Event).
These registers are accumulators or status registers that
collect performance data for the previous 24-hour period.
Registers shown on the front panel LCD are listed in
Table 3-11. This data is updated in 15-minute intervals.
After 15 minutes, the current interval is rolled over into a
set of registers that represent the previous 96 15-minute
intervals for the register.
An interval total of how many of the 96 registers
contain valid data is also kept, as well as a 24-hour total
for each accumulator register. The relationship of the
registers is shown in Figure 3-35.
Table 3-11
(1 of 2)
Performance Registers
Register Interval Description Totals Description
Event=xx,xxx ESF error events counter. An error event is an
ESF frame with either a CRC error or an OOF
event. Maximum count is 65,535. This register
must be reset via a reset command from the
network. This register is valid for the current
interval only.
CurTimer Current interval timer. Records the number of
seconds in the current 15-minute interval
(maximum 900 seconds). This register is valid
only for the current interval.
VldIntvl=xx N/A Valid interval total. Records the number of valid
15-minute intervals in the previous 24 hours
(maximum 96 intervals). This register is valid for the
24-hour total and the 15-minute interval only.
ES The number of errored seconds for the current
interval (any second with one or more ESF
error events \M maximum 900 seconds).
The total number of errored seconds for the previous
24 hours (maximum 65,535 seconds).
UAS The number of unavailable seconds for the
current interval (any one second interval when
service is unavailable, maximum 900 seconds).
The total number of unavailable seconds for the
previous 24 hours (maximum 65,535 seconds).
SES The number of severely errored seconds for the
current interval (any second with 320 or more
CRC errors or one or more OOF event,
maximum 900 seconds).
The total number of severely errored seconds for the
previous 24 hours (maximum 65,535 seconds).
BES The number of bursty errored seconds for the
current interval (any second with more than
one, but less than 320 CRC error, maximum
900 seconds).
The total number of bursty errored seconds for the
previous 24 hours (maximum 65,535).
LOFC The loss of frame (LOF) count for the current
interval (a count of the number of times that an
LOF is declared, maximum 255 times).
The total loss of frame count for the previous 24 hours
(maximum 255).