3-74 December 1996 3160-A2-GB22-10
Display screens support the following Function keys
for invoking an operation (Figure 3-16):
Table 3-16
Function Representations for Display Screens
Function Key
Refresh Updates the display to the
current period.
Up main/status/performance
screens only. Displays the
previous 8 interval
Down main/status/performance
screens only. Displays the
next 8 interval registers.
Character Matching: The async terminal also supports
character matching for entering valid values in fields
when editing options. For example, if the valid values for
a field are DTE,
, and
PORT and you enter a āDā and
press the carriage return (Enter), then the field
automatically populates with the value that matches the
character criteria. In this case, it would be DTE.
Terminating a Session
To terminate the async terminal session from any
screen, press
Ctrl-x (control key plus x). If access security
is not established, the session ends. If access security is
established, the system logs of
f and returns to the
Password Access menu; the password must be reentered
to reactivate an async terminal session.