Glossary-2 December 1996 3160-A2-GB22-10
EER Excessive Error Rate.
EON End of Number.
ES Errored second. A second with one or more ESF error events (one or more CRC6
error events or OOFs).
ESD Electrostatic discharge.
ESF Extended Superframe. The T1 transmission standard that specifies 24 frames as an
extended superframe to be used for frame synchronization and to locate signaling
Federal Communications Commission.
FDL Facility Data Link. The selected bits in the ESF format that are used for control,
monitoring and testing.
LBO Line Build-out. The amount of attenuation of the transmitted signal that is used to
compensate for the length of wire between the transmitter and the receiver.
LCD Liquid Crystal Display.
LED Light-Emitting Diode.
LOF Loss of Frame. Occurs when a DS1 terminal is unable to synchronize on the DS1
signal for some interval (nominally 2 1/2 seconds).
LOFC Loss of Frame Count. A count of the number of LOFs declared.
LOS Loss of Signal. The T1 line condition where there are no pulses.
Management Information Base. Database of managed objects used by SNMP to
provide network management information.
MUX Multiplexer.
OOF An error condition in which two out of four synchronization bits are in error.
Pulse Density V
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol. A link layer protocol used by SNMP.
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network.
QRSS Quasi-Random Signal. A test pattern simulating a random pattern of digital ones
and zeros used to simulate normal transmission.
SDCP Shared Diagnostic Control Panel.
SES Severely Errored Seconds. A second with 320 or more CRC6 error events or one or
more OOFs occurring.
SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol. A link layer protocol used by SNMP.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol. A generic network management system that
allows the device to be managed by any industry-standard SNMP manager
Unavailable Seconds. A count of 1-second intervals when service is unavailable.
Vac Volts alternating current.
Vdc Volts direct current.
VF Voice Frequency.
Yellow Alarm An outgoing signal transmitted when a DS1 terminal has determined that it has lost
the incoming signal.
3000 Series Carrier
A rack-mounted device containing 17 slots in which to place circuit cards.