XS712T Smart Switch
2. Select whether to configure physical interfaces, link aggregation groups (LAGs), or both by
clicking one of the following links above the table heading:
• 1. Only physical interfa
ces are displayed. This is the default setting.
• LAGS. Only link a
ggregation groups are displayed.
• All. Both p
hysical interfaces and link aggregation groups are displayed.
3. Select whether to conf
igure a single interface, a group of interfaces, or all interfaces (for the
sake of simplicity in this procedure, link aggregation groups are also considered interfaces):
• T
o configure a single interface, select the check box next to the interface that you
want to configure. You can also type the interface number (for example, xg12) in the
Go To Interface field at the top or bottom of the table and click Go.
The information for the selected interface displays in the drop-down lists in the table
• T
o configure a group of interfaces, select the check boxes for the individual interfaces
that you want to configure.
• T
o configure all interfaces, select the check box at the left in the table heading.
4. Configu
re or view the settings:
• Description. E
nter the description string to be attached to a port. The string can be
up to 64 characters in length.
• Port T
ype. For most ports this field is blank. Otherwise, the possible values are:
- T
runk Member. The port is a member of a Link Aggregation trunk.
- Mirr
ored. The port is a Mirrored port.
- Probe.
The port is a Monitoring port.
• Admin Mode. Use
the menu to select the port control administration state, which can
be one of the following:
- Enab
le. The port can participate in the network (default).
- Disable.
The port is administratively down and does not participate in the network.
• Port S
peed. Use the menu to select the port’s speed and duplex mode. If you select
Auto, the duplex mode and speed will be set by the auto-negotiation process. The