
XS712T Smart Switch
The following table describes the information in the Green Ethernet feature support table.
The following table describes the information in the Green Ethernet interface table.
Click Refresh to refresh the screen with the most current data from the switch.
View and Configure Green Ethernet LPI History
Use this screen to configure and view the Green Ethernet low power idle (LPI) history.
Viewing the Green Ethernet LPI History feature allows you to view the Green Ethernet history
on the switch.
To configure the LPI settings:
1. Select Sy
stem Management Green Ethernet Green Ethernet LPI History.
The Port GreenMode EEE History screen displays
2. Next to the Sampling Interval field, specify the frequency, in seconds, at which EEE LPI
history entries are collected.
This configuration is applied on all interfaces on the switch.
3. Next to th
e Max Samples to keep field, specify the maximum number of LPI samples to
keep in the history buffer.
Table 11. Green Ethernet support information
Field Description
Unit The ID number for the switch.
Green Features supported on this
The Green Ethernet feature(s) supported on this unit.
Table 12. Green Ethernet interface information
Field Description
Interface The interface associated with the rest of the data in the row.
EEE Admin Mode The administrative status of the EEE feature on the interface.