XS712T Smart Switch
6. Make a note of the displayed IP address assigned by the DHCP server.
You will need this value to access the switch directly fro
m a web browser (without using
the Smart Control Center).
7. Select your switch by clicking the line that displays the switch, then click the
Web Browser Access butt
The Smart Control Center displays a login window.
Use your web browser to manage your switch. The default password is password. Use
this screen to manage your switch. For more information, see Use the Web Interface on
page 16.
Discover a Switch in a Network without a DHCP Server
This section describes how to use the Smart Control Center to set up your switch in a
network without a DHCP server. If your network has no DHCP service, you must assign a
static IP address to your switch. If you choose, you can assign it a static IP address, even if
your network has DHCP service.
To assign a static IP address:
1. Connect the switch
to your existing network.
2. Power
on the switch by connecting its power cord.
3. In
stall the Smart Control Center on your computer.
4. S
tart the Smart Control Center.
5. Click Discov
er for the Smart Control Center to find your XS712T switch.
The utility broadcasts Layer 2 discovery packets
within the broadcast domain to discover
the switch.