Operation By Minors
If your boat will be operated by a minor, remember to have an adult present at all times.
Many states have laws regarding minimum age and licensing requirements for minors.
Contact state and local authorities for special requirements that may apply in your area.
Passenger Safety
Any time you take your boat out, make sure that there is at least one other passenger
aboard who is familiar with the operation of your boat. Passengers should be well aware
of emergency equipment and shown how to use it. Passengers should also keep hands and
feet in the boat and be safely seated while the boat is in motion.
Your boat should never be operated while you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Reaction times can be reduced and judgment affected creating situations that can be very
Federal and state laws prohibit operating a boat under the
influence of alcohol and other drugs. These regulations are
actively enforced. Impaired operation may result in severe
personal injury or death.
Basic Rules Of The Road
The nautical rules of the road must be followed to prevent
collisions between vessels. Like traffic laws for automobiles,
the operator is legally required to follow the rules.
The following information outlines only the most basic of the nautical rules of the road.
For more information, contact your local U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.
Aids to Navigation
Learn to recognize the different buoys and day markers; they are the signposts of the
waterway. There are 2 primary marking systems in use in the U.S.: the Uniform State
Waterway Marking System (USWMS) used on inland waters and maintained by each
state, and the Federal Waterway Marking System (FWMS) used on coastal waters and
rivers and maintained by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). In addition, the FWMS has two
modified systems; Western River Buoyage, and Intracoastal Waterway Buoyage. Be sure
to check with local authorities on the buoyage system in use.
The type of hazard/warning buoys and markers depends on the area of jurisdiction. Check
with local boating authorities.