
GRF Configuration Files 273
# (except for RFC 1483 bridging)
# ’llc,bridging’ any LLC-encapsulated protocol, including RFC 1483
# bridging [This is the PVC type for an interface using
# bridge_method=llc_encapsulated.]
# ’vcmux_bridge’ bridged packets [This is a PVC type for an interface
# using bridge_method=vc_multiplexed.] An additional
# parameter specifies the protocol carried on the VC:
# ether_fcs Ethernet frames, with Frame Check Sequence
# ether_nofcs Ethernet frames, without Frame Check Sequence
# fddi_fcs FDDI frames, with Frame Check Sequence
# fddi_nofcs FDDI frames, without Frame Check Sequence
# bpdu 802.1D Bridging Protocol Data Units
# ’vc’ IP datagrams [This is a PVC type for an interface using
# bridge_method=vc_multiplexed.]
# ’vc_atmp’ atmp home network connections using VC Based
# Multiplexing.
# If the ’proto’ specified is ’raw’, the ’dest_if’ parameter specifies the
# GigaRouter interface of the destination for this raw adaptation layer
# connection (specified in the same GigaRouter interface format
# described above), and (optionally) the dest_vc parameter specifies
# the destination VPI/VCI.
# the ’input_aal’ parameter may be used to specify the adaptation layer,
# input_aal=3 specifies AAL-3/4
# input_aal=5 specifies AAL-5
# The optional ’traffic_shape’ parameter allows a traffic shape
# to be defined for this logical interface (the ’shape_name’ must be
# a named defined as a Traffic_Shape above).
# If no traffic shape is specified, a default shape of 155Kbps, high
# quality of service is used.
#PVC ga090 0/32 proto=ip traffic_shape=high_speed_high_quality
#PVC ga0980 0/32 proto=ip traffic_shape=high_speed_high_quality
#PVC ga0a0 1/33 proto=raw traffic_shape=high_speed_high_quality \
# dest_if=ga090 dest_vc=5/50 input_aal=5
#PVC ga0a80 1/33 proto=ip traffic_shape=high_speed_high_quality
#PVC ga0b0 0/40 proto=isis traffic_shape=high_speed_high_quality
#PVC ga0c0 0/41 proto=isis_ip traffic_shape=high_speed_high_quality
#PVC ga030 0/32 proto=llc,bridging
#PVC ga031 0/32 proto=vcmux_bridge,ether_nofcs
#PVC ga031 0/33 proto=vcmux_bridge,fddi_nofcs
#PVC ga031 0/34 proto=vcmux_bridge,bpdu
# Here come the different settings we used during
# the residency.
Traffic_Shape name=high_speed_high_quality \
peak=155000 sustain=155000 burst=2048 qos=high
Traffic_Shape name=low_speed_high_quality \
peak=15500 qos=high
# ATM OC-12c
Traffic_Shape name=bigg_speed_high_quality \