Single RS/6000 SP and Single SP Switch Router 173
If these
ping commands fail, check routing settings again. If everything is
as it should be, try to
ping the SP Switch Router ATM media card or the SP
Switch Router Adapter card to which part is failing:
ping (on chosen SP21 processor nodes)
ping (on F50)
If any errors occur, check cabling, the configuration of SP Switch Router
media cards (See Section 3.7, “Step-by-Step Media Card Configuration”
on page 86 and Section 4.2, “ATM OC-3c Configuration” on page 110) and
network adapters in the F50 and the SP nodes.
To get a rough overview of the data transfer rates that can be achieved in this
scenario, the following tests were performed:
1. Again we used tsock to get the performance figures for a mix of packets
ranging from 1 byte to 50 kilobytes. This time an average data transfer
rate of about 13.5 MB/s was achieved, which corresponds well enough to
the theoretical maximum data transfer rate of an ATM connection (17.5
MB/s=155 Mb/s).
2. We used ftp to conduct several file transfers of a 300 MB file from the F50
to the chosen nodes in SP21. We sent this file to /dev/null on the SP21
nodes to eliminate any hard disk influence on the receiver side:
As you see in the screen shot, although the F50 has very fast disks
attached, they still limit the file transfer rate to 9.4 MB/s. So we decided to
start two ftp programs on the F50 in parallel. This way we could increase
the throughput of the ATM adapter to about 16.5 MB/s, with the F50 being
about 50% busy (all data again observed with the freeware tool monitor).
(0)f50:/itso/space 32$ ftp
Connected to
220 sp21n01 FTP server (Version 4.1 Tue Mar 17 14:00:13 CST 1998) ready.
Name ( root
331 Password required for root.
230 User root logged in.
ftp> bin
200 Type set to I.
ftp> put bos.obj.ssp.itso /dev/null
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening data connection for /dev/null.
226 Transfer complete.
299878400 bytes sent in 31.05 seconds (9431 Kbytes/s)
local: bos.obj.ssp.itso remote: /dev/null
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.
(0)f50:/itso/space 33$