
Configuration of IP-Forwarding Media Cards 109
Ethernet interface configuration.
Enumerated field, values:
autonegotiate: autonegotiate
10-half: 10 BaseT Half Duplex
10-full: 10 BaseT Full Duplex
100-half: 100 BaseT Half Duplex
100-full: 100 BaseT Full Duplex
super> set if-config = 100-full
super> write
CARD2/ written
super> quit
The configuration of the Ethernet card is now completed. Issue grwrite -v
grreset <slot_number>. Communication between the GRF’s Ethernet card
and attached devices should work now. To monitor the card, use the
commands we found to be useful in the following section.
4.1.6 Some maint Commands for the Ethernet Media Cards
The maint commands operate on the SP Switch control board and require the
card’s slot number, which you may find with the
grcard command.
Prepare to use
maint with the following steps:
First, switch to
maint’s GR 66> prompt with the grrmb command.
At the
GR66> prompt, change to the prompt for the specific card you are
interested in. For a card in slot 7, this would be the command
port 7.
As a result, the following message along with the changed prompt is
Current port card is 7
GR 7>
At this prompt maint commands can be issued.
To leave the
GR 7> prompt, enter quit.
The following
maint commands were most useful for us:
maint 1 -to view the list of receive side (RX) maint commands.
maint 101 -to view the list of transmit side (TX) maint commands.
maint 3 -to display configuration and status of all ports.
maint 4 -to display media statistics for both the input side and the output side
for one or all eight interfaces. If you do not specify one interface,