Diagnostic Information 2-45
Cover Interlock Service Check
Check that switches S2, S3, and S4 are open. These should be
open anytime the cartridge, fuser or front covers are not latched
When a cover is opened, switch S2 opens the +24 V dc supply to the
engine board and the AC line from the LVPS to the fuser lamps.
Switches S3 and S4 open the +5 V dc supply from the engine board
to the printhead.
If Door Open displays, go to A.
If a 922 Fuser Error displays, go to B.
A Door Open displayed
FRU Action
1Interlock Switch
Check the interlock switch actuator hardware for
proper operation and be sure:
• Actuator 1 activates door switch S2.
• +5 V dc to interlock switches S3 and S4.
If the mechanism does not operate properly or
activate any of the switches, repair as necessary.