Print Permissions Technology
MVP’s Print Permissions Technology is separated into two related tasks that control user access to
color printing, the Users Table task and the Hosts Table task. The Users Table displays and controls
basic user access to color printing. Adding a user’s ID to the Users Table lets you specify the user’s
color permission (whether that user may print with color or not). The Hosts Table takes color print
permissions a step further by controling print permissions on a specific host computer. This allows
you to override user level permissions on a specific host computer. As a result, if a user with access
to the Users Table task had set their color permissions to “On,” the color permission for their host
computer could still be disabled by setting the Color permission to “Off” and the Override permission
to “On” in the Hosts Table.
The following tables illustrate some Print Permission settings.
Users Table:
Hosts Table:
User ID Color Result
Mary On Mary can print color on all
selected printers.
Bob Off Bob cannot print color on
any selected printers.
Computer (Host)
Color Override Result
MARYSPC On Off A user logged into Mary’s
computer can print color on
all selected printers,
regardless of the individual
user’s print permissions.
BOBSPC Off On A user logged into Bob’s
computer cannot print color
on any selected printers
regardless of the individual
user’s print permissions.
MARYSPC Off Off A user logged into Mary’s
computer will not be able to
print color jobs unless their
User ID is granted color
printing permissions in the
User’s Table (as Override is