
Secure communication
4 Click Apply.
To set Confidential Print Job Expiration with the Device Policy tasks:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, go to Actions Æ Device Policies Æ
Create/Manage or select Device Policies – Create/Manage from the All Tasks list.
2 Click New.
3 Select For Any Printer, and then click Continue.
4 Expand the General Settings folder.
5 Click the Confidential Print Job Expiration check box.
6 Select the period of time that the confidential print job will remain in the printer queue before
being deleted. The default setting for this feature is Off (unlimited), and can be set to 1 hour,
4 hours, 1 day, or 1 week.
7 Click Apply.
Secure communication
MVP 11.0 provides the option of secure communication between the MarkVision server and network
devices that support the same security protocol. This allows system administrators to communicate
with, configure, control, and retrieve information from devices on the network while reducing the
threat of either user credentials or device commands being compromised.
Secure communication can be implemented by first establishing the communication security settings
for the MarkVision Server either through the initial MVP setup process, or by accessing MVP’s
administrative settings. Security may then be established for specific devices, provided the device is
capable of communicating securely.
Communication security for devices consists of setting a communication security password using the
Communication Password task, and “locking down” a device using the Printer Lockdown task. The
Communication Password task lets an administrator establish a communication security password
for a device by synchronizing it with the server’s communication password. Both the server and the
device must use the same communication security password in order for a secure communication
channel to be opened. Locking down a device forces the device to communicate only over a secure
channel when sending and receiving configuration information. It is possible to communicate
securely with a printer that is not locked down even if the communication password has not been set
for the device. It is also possible to set the communication password for a device without locking it
down. However, if a communication password is set for a device, it must match the server
communication password in order to establish a secure channel. In addition, it is not possible to lock
down a device without first setting the communication password, and a secure communication
channel must be open between the device and the server in order for the communication password
to be changed for a device.