3.1–2: OSC
These settings specify how each timbre will be sounded.
3.1–2a: Force OSC Mode, OSC Select, Portamento
Force OSC Mode [PRG, Poly, Mono, LGT]
Specifies the “Mode (Voice Assign Mode)” (PROG 2.1–1b) of
the program selected for each timbre 1–8.
PRG: The settings of the program will be used.
Poly: The timbre will play polyphonically, regardless of the
settings of the program.
Mono: The timbre will play monophonically, regardless of
the settings of the program.
LGT (Legato): The timbre will play monophonically, with
single triggering (legato).
With settings of Mono or LGT, the note priority will be
according to the “Priority” (PROG 2.1–1b) setting of the pro-
OSC Select [Both, OSC1, OSC2]
Specifies the “Mode (Oscillator Mode)” (PROG 2.1–1a) of
the program selected for each timbre 1–8. If the “Mode
(Oscillator Mode)” is Double, you can specify that either or
both oscillators sound.
Both: OSC1 and 2 will sound as specified by the settings of
the program.
OSC1: Only OSC1 will sound.
OSC2: Only OSC2 will sound. If “Mode (Oscillator Mode)”
is Single or Drums, there will be no sound.
Portamento [PRG, Off, 001...127]
Indicates portamento settings for each timbre 1–8.
PRG: Portamento will be applied as specified by the pro-
gram settings.
Off: Portamento will be off, even if the original program set-
tings specified for it to be on.
001...127: Portamento will be applied with the portamento
time you specify here, even if it is turned off by the program
If the “Status” (3.1–1a) is set to INT, CC#05 (portamento
time) and CC#65 (portamento switch) messages will be
received to control and change this setting. (If the set-
ting is PRG, CC#05 portamento time will not be
received.) These messages will be received on the MIDI
channel specified for each timbre by “MIDI Channel”
■ 3.1–2b: UTILITY
☞“Write Combination,” “Solo Selected Timbre” (1.1–1c)
3.1–3: Pitch
Here you can make pitch-related settings for each timbre.
3.1–3a: Transpose, Detune, Bend Range
Transpose [–24…+24]
Adjusts the pitch of each timbre in semitone steps.
12 units equal one octave.
When “Status” (3.1–1a) is INT, this parameter will
affect the pitches sounded by the TRITON Le. When
“Status” is EXT, this parameter will affect the note
numbers of the MIDI note messages that are transmit-
For example if you make settings of +04 and +07
respectively for two timbres that are set to EXT, playing
the C key will transmit a C note number on the global
MIDI channel, and at the same time will also transmit E
and G note numbers on the MIDI channels of those tim-
Detune (BPM Adj.) [–1200...+1200]
Adjusts the pitch of each timbre in one-cent units.
0: Normal pitch.
You can also use the Utility “Detune BPM Adj.” (3.1–3b)
page menu command to automatically make a detune
setting from a calculation in BPM units.
“Transpose” and “Detune” can be controlled via MIDI
RPN messages. Depending on the “Mode (Oscillator
Mode)” (PROG 2.1–1a) settings of the programs used
by timbres 1–8, they can be controlled as follows.
When “Mode (Oscillator Mode)” is Single or Double
MIDI RPN Coarse Tune can be received to control and
change the setting of “Transpose,” and RPN Fine Tune
can be received to control and change the setting of
When “Mode (Oscillator Mode)” is Drums, MIDI RPN
Coarse Tune and Fine Tune can be received to control
and change the setting of “Detune.” The controllable
range is ±1 octave for coarse tune and fine tune
Bend Range [PRG, –24...+24]
Specifies the amount of pitch change that will occur when
the pitch bender is operated, in semitone units.
PRG: The pitch range specified by the program will be used.
–24–+24: This setting will be used regardless of the setting in
the program.
The MIDI RPN Pitch Bend Change message can be
received to control this and change the setting. (How-
ever it will not be received if this parameter is set to
PRG.) This message is received on the MIDI channel for
each timbre set by “MIDI Channel” (3.1–1a).