■ 6.1–1e: UTILITY
For details on how to select the desired utility function, refer
to “PROG 1.1–1c: UTILITY.”
Write Arpeggio Patterns
This command writes user arpeggio patterns U000 (INT)–
U215 (User).
1 Select “Write Arpeggio Patterns” to access the dialog box.
2 To execute the Write command press the [F8] (“OK”) key.
To cancel without executing press the [F7] (“Cancel”)
You can also write the same data as “Write Arpeggio Pat-
terns” by pressing the [REC/WRITE] key.
Press the [REC/WRITE] key to access the “Update
Arpeggio Patterns” dialog box, and press the [F8] to
write the data.
“Pat,”“ (Tempo),” “Oct,” “Reso,” “Sort,” “Latch,”
“K.Sync,” and “Kbd” are parameters that are set in Pro-
gram, Combination, and Sequencer modes. The Write
operation executed here does not save these parame-
If you move here from Program or Combination mode
and set these parameters, you must return to the origi-
nal mode and write them.
Rename Arpeggio Pattern
This command renames the selected user arpeggio pattern.
Up to sixteen characters can be input. Preset patterns P000–
P004 cannot be selected (
☞BG p.43).
Copy Arpeggio Pattern
This command copies the settings of another user arpeggio
pattern to the currently selected arpeggio pattern. It is not
possible to copy from a preset arpeggio pattern P000–P004 .
1 Select “Copy Arpeggio Pattern” to access the dialog box.
2 Select the copy source arpeggio pattern “From.”
3 To execute the Copy Arpeggio Pattern command press
the [F8] (“OK”) key. To cancel without executing press
the [F7] (“Cancel”) key.
6.1–2: Edit
Here you can input Tones 0–11 for each step 01 to 48. “Step”
can be a maximum of 48 steps, and Tone corresponds to up
to twelve notes for the (up to) twelve keys pressed simulta-
neously. If “Sort” (6.1–1b) is checked, the notes that were
pressed will correspond in ascending order of pitch to Tones
0, 1, etc. If “Sort” (6.1–1b) is unchecked, the notes that were
pressed will correspond to Tones 0, 1, etc. in the order in
which they were pressed.
These parameters are not valid for preset patterns
P000–P004 .
6–2a: Step, Ptch, Gt, Vel, Flam
Step (Step No.) [01...48]
Select the step that you wish to edit, and set/reset each
When the “Step” is selected, use the numeric keys to input
the Tones. Numeric keys [0]–[9] correspond to Tones 0–9, [–
] corresponds to Tone 10, and [./HOLD] to Tone 11. Each
time you press a key, the Tone will be set or reset.
If “Fix Note” (6.1–1d) is checked, this will be displayed as
●.” If unchecked, this will be displayed as “❍.”
To delete all Tones of a step, use the Utility “Delete Step.” To
insert a blank step, use the Utility “Insert Step.”
Ptch (Pitch Offset) [–48...+48]
For each step, the pitch corresponding to the Tone can be
raised or lowered in semitone steps. This lets you make set-
tings for the same tone in each step to create a melody, or to
make settings for two or more tones in each step to play par-
allel chords.
Gt (Gate) [Off, 001...100%, LGT]
Off: That step will not sound even if Tones have been speci-
LGT: Notes will continue sounding until the same Tone is
sounded next, or until the pattern returns to the beginning.
At this time, the display will change to “
■” or “ .”
This setting is valid when the Program, Combination, or
Song parameter “Gate” (PROG 6.1–1a, COMBI 6.1–2(3)a,
SEQ 6.1–3(4)a) is set to Step. When making this setting,
make sure that “Gate” is set to Step in the mode from which
you arrived here.
Vel (Velocity) [001...127, Key]
Key: The Tone of the step will sound with the velocity at
which the key was played.
001–127: The specified velocity value will always be used.
This setting is valid when the Program, Combination, or
Song parameter “Velocity” (PROG 6.1–1a, COMBI 6.1–2(3)a,
SEQ 6.1–3(4)a) is set to Step.
When making this setting, make sure that “Velocity” is set to
Step in the mode from which you arrived here.