Brake Fluid
Brake Line Air Bleeding
Bleed the air whenever brake parts are replaced or re-
Remove the reservoir cap and fill the reservoir with new
brake fluid.
Slowly pump the brake lever several times until no air
bubbles can be seen rising up through the fluid from the
hose at the bottom of the reservoir. This bleeds the air
from the master cylinder and the brake line.
Tap the brake hose lightly going from the caliper to the
reservoir side and bleed the air off at the reservoir.
Attach a clear plastic hose to the bleed valve on the
caliper, and run the other end of the hose into a con-
Bleed the brake line and the caliper as follows:
Hold the brake lever applied [A].
Quickly open and close the valve [B].
Release the brake lever [C].
The fluid level must be checked several times during the
bleeding operation and replenished as necessary.
If the fluid in the reservoir runs completely out any time
during bleeding, the bleeding operation must be done
over again from t he beginning since air will have en-
tered the line.
If the brake lever action still feels soft or "spongy", tap
the brake hose from bottom to top and air will rise up to
the top part of t he hose. Slowly pump the brake lever
in the same manner as above.
Torque - Bleed Valves: 5.4 N·m (0.55 kgf·m, 48 in·lb)
Apply the brake lever forcefully for a few seconds, and
check for fluid leakage around the fittings.