Step 1. Unpack the Drive
Unpack the Ultrium 2 Tape Drive and store the packaging. You may need the
packaging if you return the unit for service.
Acclimation time is required if the temperature of the drive when unpacked is
different than the temperature of its operating environment (measured at the front of
the bezel near the air intake area; see Figure 4). The recommended acclimation
time is 4 hours after the drive has been unpacked or 1 hour after any condensation
that you can see has evaporated, whichever is greater. When acclimatizing the
drive, apply the following measures:
v If the drive is colder than its operating environment and the air contains sufficient
humidity, condensation may occur in the drive and damage it. When the drive
has warmed to the operating temperature range (greater than 10°Cor50°F) and
no danger of condensation is present (the air is dry), warm the drive more quickly
by powering it on for 30 minutes. Use a diagnostic tape to test the drive before
inserting a tape that contains data.
v If the drive is hotter than its operating environment, the tape can stick to the drive
head. When the drive has cooled to the operating temperature range (less than
40°Cor104°F), cool the drive more quickly by applying airflow for 30 minutes.
Power-on the drive and use a diagnostic tape to test it before inserting a tape
that contains data.
If you are uncertain about whether the temperature of the drive is within the
recommended operating range or the humidity is sufficient to cause condensation,
acclimate the drive for the full 4 hours.
Step 2. Remove Power from the Enclosure
__ 1. Power-off the enclosure (or the unit that provides power to the drive)
__ 2. Disconnect the power cord from both the electrical outlet and the enclosure.
Figure 4. Measuring the temperature of the operating environment. The temperature is
measured at the front of the bezel, near the air intake area.
16 IBM TotalStorage LTO Ultrium 2 Tape Drive