acclimating the drive 16, 52, 53
for Fibre Channel drive 7, 19
for SCSI drive 5, 17
description 7, 19
setting to add LIDs 22
setting to get status of loop 20
altitude specification 11
Arbitrated Loop Physical Address (AL_PA)
description 19
setting to add LIDs 22
setting to get status of loop 20
device driver support 9
obtaining error information from 71
supported server and operating system 3
attaching leader pin to tape, procedure 55
attention notice, definition vii
backhitch, preventing 2
bar code label
ordering 63, 64
placement on cartridge 48
burst data transfer rate 1
bus, connecting tape drive to SCSI 28
for Fibre Channel 8, 95
for SCSI 4, 95
capacity 1, 2, 48
cartridge capacity, controlling 48
cartridge door 47
cartridge memory 47, 48
caution notice, definition vii
changing link services 24
channel calibration 2
checkout of tape drive, performing 29
cleaning cartridge
description 49
ordering 63
cleaning drive head 35
clearing error code log 42
compatible tape cartridges 2, 47
compressed capacity 1, 48
compressed data transfer rate 1
configuring drive to server, switch, or hub 29
Fibre Channel 27, 29
Library/Drive Interface (LDI or RS-422) 28, 29
power 27
connections (continued)
SCSI 27, 28
connectivity 3
Fibre Channel 1, 8, 15
SCSI 1, 4, 14
converting an FMR tape to a scratch tape 41
copying a drive dump to tape 38
creating an FMR tape 37
current, electrical specifications 11
Customer Assistance Centers 104
danger notice, definition vii
data cartridge 48, 63
data transfer rate 1
degaussing a tape cartridge 52, 63
description of Ultrium 2 Tape Drive 1
device driver
installing 28
support 9
use in recording errors 71
fast read/write test 43
Fibre Channel wrap test 40
Library/Drive Interface wrap test (LDI or RS-422) 41
running during installation 28
SCSI wrap test 39
selecting 36
Test Cartridge & Media 43, 82
Test Head 44
dimension of tape 2
dimension of tape drive 11
displaying error code log 42, 76
disposing of a tape cartridge 63
drive dump
copying to tape 38
forcing 38
obtaining 75
drive head, cleaning 35
electronic emission regulations 102
mounting the tape drive into 26
powering off 16
environmental specifications
for media 62
for tape drive 11
erasing tape 52
error code log
clearing 42
displaying 42
viewing 76
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