TapeAlert Flags Supported by the IBM TotalStorage LTO Ultrium 2 Tape Drive
(in hex)
Flag Description Action Required
11 0Bh Cleaning media Set when you load a cleaning
cartridge into the drive.
No action required.
12 0Ch Unsupported format Set when you load an
unsupported cartridge type into
the drive or when the cartridge
format has been corrupted.
Use a supported tape cartridge.
15 0Fh Cartridge memory
chip failure
Set when a cartridge memory
(CM) failure is detected on the
loaded tape cartridge.
Replace the cartridge. If this
error occurs on multiple tapes,
see error code 6 in Table 15 on
page 67.
16 10h Forced eject Set when you manually unload
the tape cartridge while the drive
was reading or writing.
No action required.
18 12h Tape directory
corrupted in the
cartridge memory
Set when the drive detects that
the tape directory in the cartridge
memory has been corrupted.
Re-read all data from the tape to
rebuild the tape directory.
20 14h Clean now Set when the tape drive detects
that it needs cleaning.
Clean the tape drive. See
“Cleaning the Drive Head” on
page 35.
21 15h Clean periodic Set when the drive detects that it
needs routine cleaning.
Clean the tape drive as soon as
possible. The drive can continue
to operate, but you should clean
the drive soon. See “Cleaning
the Drive Head” on page 35.
22 16h Expired clean Set when the tape drive detects
a cleaning cartridge that has
Replace the cleaning cartridge.
23 17h Invalid cleaning tape Set when the drive expects a
cleaning cartridge and the loaded
cartridge is not a cleaning
Use a valid cleaning cartridge.
30 1Eh Hardware A Set when a hardware failure
occurs which requires that you
reset the tape drive to recover.
If resetting the drive does not
recover the error, use the error
code from the single-character
display, library user interface, or
SCSI drive sense data. See
Table 15 on page 67.
31 1Fh Hardware B Set when the tape drive fails its
internal self tests.
Use the error code on the
single-character display, library
user interface, or SCSI drive
sense data. See Table 15 on
page 67.
32 20h Interface Set when the tape drive detects
a problem with the SCSI, Fibre
Channel, or LDI (RS-422)
Locate error code 8 or 9 in
Table 15 on page 67.
33 21h Eject media Set when a failure occurs that
requires you to unload the
cartridge from the drive.
Unload and reload the tape
98 IBM TotalStorage LTO Ultrium 2 Tape Drive