59 EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708
Cross Reference of iLON 10 Settings and ARENA Settings
ARENA configures the iLON 10 when creating the site (see in “Create Site” section).
If the iLON 10 configuration, e.g. user name or password, was changed manually
afterwards, the ARENA settings must be changed accordingly. If ARENA settings
and the iLON 10 settings are out of sync it may happen that the iLON 10 cannot be
contacted anymore. For the accommodation of settings, use the following table.
General Settings page of iLON 10
iLON 10 Setting ARENA Setting Comment
IP Address Outgoing connection: Remote Site IP
Used in LAN scenarios to contact the iLON
10. User needs Administrator privilege
Subnet Mask Outgoing connection: Subnet Mask Used in LAN scenarios to define the subnet
to which the iLON 10 is connected.
User needs Administrator privilege
Gateway Address Outgoing connection: Gateway
Used in LAN scenarios to resolve
addressing if the iLON 10 and the
supervisor PC are in different subnets.
Contact the I.T. administrator to get the
gateway’s IP address.
Explicit message -> Message with
Code From / To
- Used to send an alarm from the controller
to the iLON 10. This has to be set "from 76
to 76" and the setting has to be enabled.
Otherwise no alarms will be sent out via
the iLON 10.
PPP Settings page of iLON 10
iLON 10 Setting ARENA Setting Comment
Serial Port Baud Rate - Should be set to 57600
Local IP Address for incoming calls - IP Address for PPP connections via
modem. This is automatically generated
by the ARENA site administration for
Dial-Up scenarios.
Use Static IP Address-> IP Address - IP Address for PPP connections via
modem. This is automatically generated
by ARENA site administration for Dial-Up
Profile 1 -> User Name Incoming Connection->User Name User Name which the supervisor PC
uses to authenticate an incoming call
from the iLON 10.
Profile 1 -> Password Incoming Connection->Password Password which the supervisor PC uses
to authenticate an incoming call from the
iLON 10.
Profile 1-> Phone Number Incoming Connection -> Local Phone
Phone number under which the
supervisor PC can be reached for Dial-
Up scenarios.
Profile 1 -> Disconnect if idle for - This time out applies if no LON
connection can be made to the alarm
receiver (ARENA). This should never
happen. A good default would be 120
Profile 1 -> Modem Init String Incoming Connection -> Advanced
settings -> Initialization string
Init string which the iLON 10 uses each
time it triggers a dial-out via modem. Via
the init strings, special modem
configurations can be made. Typical
examples are:
X0: Do not wait for dial tone
M0 instead M1 to switch off the modem
A good default string for many modems
is E0Q0V1S0=0&C1M1
If you need special settings, consult your
modem manual and a description of the