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d. Connect drawing elements with each other using the mouse. Elements are
snapping at defined points when moving them to each other
e. delete unused drawing elements by selecting them and pressing the Delete
4. On the Properties pane, define all necessary settings for elements, for example,
the burner type of a boiler, etc.
Fig. 38. Example: Setting properties for drawing element (boiler)
5. When finished with drawing, save graphic as described in the “Save Document”
Create Display Field for Datapoint, Datapoint Attribute or Setting Values
The following procedure describes how to create a field for displaying and changing
a datapoint value, datapoint attribute or setting. The procedure describes the
assignment for a datapoint value. The assignment for a datapoint attribute and a
setting is done in the same way.
1. If not already done, import the Arena database as described in the “Import
ARENA Database” section.
2. In the Drawing Tools Pane, click the Custorm Graphic Controls tab.
3. Drag the drawing element ´00,0 Value` and drop in the drawing space.
Fig. 39. Step 1: Dragging ´Value` control
Fig. 40. Step 2: Dropping ´Value` control
4. Assign datapoint by doing the following: