145 EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708
Flip Vertically
Flip Horizontally
Flips a drawing vertically
Flips a drawing horizontally
Align Lefts
Align Centers
Align Rights
Align Tops
Align Middles
Align Bottoms
Aligns several drawing elements to the left
Centers a drawing element
Aligns several drawing elements to the right
Aligns several drawing elements to the top
Aligns several drawing elements in the middle
Aligns several drawing elements to the bottom
Z-Order Bring to Front
Z-Order Send to Back
Displays a drawing element of 2 overlapping drawing
elements on the front
Displays a drawing element of 2 overlapping drawing
elements in the back
Add Page Adds a new page (level) to the list
Import Arena database Imports an Arena database (.are file)
Export Arena graphic Exports Arena graphic as .are file
Tool Bar
The tool bar allows quicker access to some commonly used menu functions. The
following tables show the toolbar functions:
Icon Description
Creates a blank layout document
Opens an existing layout document
Saves the active layout document under the same name in XML format
Rotates a drawing element to the left
Rotates a drawing element to the right
Flips a drawing vertically
Flips a drawing horizontally
Aligns several drawing elements to the left
Centers several drawing elements
Aligns several drawing elements to the right
Aligns several drawing elements to the top
Aligns several drawing elements in the middle
Aligns several drawing elements to the bottom
Displays a drawing element of 2 overlapping drawing elements on the front
Displays a drawing element of 2 overlapping drawing elements in the back