4-10 Using the Performance Manager GUI
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Hitachi Performance Manager User’s Guide
• When Monitoring Switch is Enable, Performance Monitor is monitoring
the storage system (a Disable setting indicates that the system is not
being monitored).
• Gathering Interval displays a number between 1 and 15 to indicate how
often data collection is performed. If the number of the CUs to be
monitored is 64 or less, the value between 1 and 15 appears as a gathering
interval by minutes. For example, if 1 min. is displayed, the information
obtained every one minute is displayed in the list and the graph. In case 65
or more CUs are monitored, the statistics are displayed every 5, 10 or 15
• The list on the right of Monitoring Data indicates storing period of
statistics (monitoring data). The statistics displayed in the LDEV tab are
stored only in short range, therefore, shortrange is displayed in this list
and you cannot change it. The range of monitoring data that can be
displayed in the window is between 8 hours and 15 days depending on the
gathering interval.
For details on the types of storing period of statistics, see Understanding
Statistical Storage Ra
For details on the relationship between collection interval and the storing
period of the statistics, see Monitoring Options Window.
• Monitoring Term lets you narrow the range of statistics that should be
displayed in the window.
Starting and ending times for collecting statistics are displayed on both
sides of the slide bar. Performance Monitor stores the monitoring data
between these times, and you can specify the desired term within this
range as statistics for the specified term will be displayed the target of
display in lists and graphs formats.
For example, if you want to view statistics within the range of 10:30 July 1
2006 to 10:30 July 2 2006, you set
2006/07/01 10:30 to the From box, set
2006/07/02 10:30 to the To box, and then click Apply.
To set a date and time in From and To, do either of the following:
– Move the slider to the left or to the right.
– In the text box, select the number that you want to change. Next, click
the up or down arrow.
When you specify dates and time in From and To, Performance Monitor
calculates the length (in minutes) of the specified period and displays the
calculated length. When calculating the length in minutes, Performance
Monitor rounds up to the nearest minute.
From and To are unavailable if the monitoring data (that is, obtained
statistics) is not stored in the storage system.
The Real Time option is grayed out when the LDEV tab is active.