8-6 Troubleshooting
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Hitachi Performance Manager User’s Guide
Possible Problems Probable Causes and Recommended Action
Permission Denied. The user ID does not have the required permission.
The user ID needs to have at least one of permissions for
Performance Monitor, TrueCopy, TrueCopy for IBM z/OS,
Universal Replicator, and Universal Replicator for IBM z/OS.
RMI server error (part-code, error-
An error occurs at the RMI server. For detailed information,
see the Storage Navigator Messages.
Unable to display help message
The Export Tool cannot display the online help due to a
system error.
Unable to get serial number
The Export Tool cannot obtain the serial number due to a
system error.
Unable to get time range for
The SVP does not contain monitoring data.
Unable to read command file: file
The Export Tool cannot read the command file. Specify the
name of the command file correctly.
Unable to use the command:
The specified subcommand is unavailable because you
logged in as a storage partition administrator.
Unable to use the group name:
The specified operand of the group subcommand is
unavailable because you logged in as a storage partition
Unknown host: host
The Export Tool cannot resolve the host name. Specify the
correct host name.
Unsupported command: command
The Export Tool does not support the specified command.
Specify a correct command.
Unsupported operand: operand
The specified operand is not supported. Correct the specified
Unsupported option: option
The specified option is not supported. Correct the specified
Some file exists in path.
What do you do?
You selected "action". Is it OK?
Files exist in path.
If you want to clear the files, press the <c> key.
If you want to overwrite the files, press the <u> key.
If you want to stop the operation, press the <p> key.
When you press a key, a message appears and asks
whether to perform the specified action.
To perform the specified action, press the <y> key.
To cancel the specified action, press the <n> key.
Specify the following subcommand
before login subcommand: retry
The retry subcommand is written in an incorrect position in
the command file.
Write the retry subcommand before the login subcommand.