Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) is a standard protocol for network-
based backup of network-attached storage. NDMP hides the unique hardware
interfaces from third-party backup software that allows this software to execute on any
NDMP compliant system on the network.
See Fibre Channel.
Non-volatile Memory is a term used to refer to battery backed up DRAM so that data
will not be lost in the event of power failure.
Non-volatile Random Access Memory such as static RAM will not lose data in the
event that power is lost to the memory chips.
Obtain 24/7
Hitachi Data Systems is a licensed reseller for OBTAIN 24/7 software, which is owned
and supported by Knowledge Flow Corporation. OBTAIN 24/7 software is a powerful
database system designed to document IBM
and open systems equipment and
configurations, fiber optic infrastructures, as well as other power-related equipment.
Online Transaction Processing.
Online System
An interactive computer system supporting users over a network of computer
Open System
A system with characteristics that comply with standards made available throughout
the industry, which therefore, can be connected to other systems that comply with the
same standards.
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