Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager
Dynamic Link Manager is a server-based family of software utilities that enhances
RAID systems by providing automatic failover and load balancing from server-to-
RAID channel connection failures. This product allows systems administrators to take
advantage of the multiple paths on a Lightning 9900 V Series system by adding
redundant SCSI connections between data servers and RAID systems. Dynamic Link
Manager therefore provides increased reliability and performance. Supported platforms
include IBM AIX
, Sun Solaris
, and Windows NT
/Windows 2000.
Hitachi FlashAccess
FlashAccess software allows specified (usually high-access) data sets to be “pegged” or
permanently placed in cache memory so they are not managed by the data movement
algorithms of the Hitachi Freedom Storage
system. The FlashAccess feature in the
Hitachi Freedom Storage
Lightning 9900
V Series systems can be used for either
or open systems. Hitachi FlashAccess is a software utility in the Hitachi
Resource Manager
suite that allows the creation, deletion, and monitoring of data
managed by the FlashAccess software. See also Resource Manager.
Hitachi Graph-Track
Graph-Track is a software utility in the Hitachi Resource Manager suite that enables a
robust set of system and network management utilities and provides graphical reports
for Lightning 9900 V Series performance, availability, and configuration management.
At the heart of the Lightning 9900 V Series revolutionary design is Hi-Star
architecture, which provides multiple, redundant, non-blocking paths between the
storage ports, multiple cache nodes, and multiple disk Array Control Processors
Hitachi LUN Manager
LUN Manager is a software utility in the Hitachi Resource Manager
package that
allows for complete systems management of LUNs. See also LUN and Hitachi
Resource Manager.
Hitachi Multiplatform Backup/Restore
Multiplatform Backup/Restore software provides channel-based backup/restore of open
systems volumes using standard mainframe utilities, which leverage current investment
in hardware, software, skills, and procedures. Multiplatform Backup/Restore provides
high-performance, high-bandwidth capabilities. One copy of software resides on each
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