Freedom Data Networks
Hitachi Data Systems groups its storage area network (SAN) and network attached
storage (NAS) solutions under the label Freedom Data Networks. Freedom Data
Networks provides an open architecture that leverages SAN and NAS technology and
offers organizations freedom of choice in deploying data-access and data-sharing
capabilities across the enterprise through Hitachi Data Systems advanced
implementations: Hitachi Freedom SAN
and Hitachi Freedom NAS
.With Freedom
Data Networks, customers gain a powerful new tool that enables the consolidation of
servers and storage, increased data availability, centralized storage management, and the
ability to back up and migrate data without affecting the performance of enterprise
Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel is an ANSI standard designed to provide high-speed data transfers
among workstations, servers, desktop computers, and peripherals. Fibre Channel makes
use of a circuit/packet switched topology capable of providing multiple simultaneous
point-to-point connections between devices. Fibre Channel is widely deployed in SAN
implementations today. Standards for Fibre Channel SANs are being worked on by the
Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA). The technology has attracted interest
as a channel for the attachment of storage devices, but it has a limited popularity as a
high-speed networks interconnect. Fibre Channel can be deployed in point-to-point,
arbitrated loop (FC-AL), or switched topologies. Fibre Channel nodes log in with each
other and the switch to exchange operating information on attributes and
characteristics. This information includes port names and port IDs and is used to
establish interoperability parameters.
trademark for Fibre Connection technology (ESCON
over Fibre
File Backup
The practice of copying a file that is stored on disk or tape to another disk or tape is
referred to as file backup. This is done for protection in case the active file gets
damaged. Backup is considered “local copy” as opposed to “remote copy.” See also
Remote Copy.
Front End
In reference to storage arrays, the front end is considered to be the interfaces or ports
to the “real world,” the processors servicing these ports, and in some cases the cache
memory. On the Htachi Freedom Storage
Lightning 9900
V Series systems, the
front end consists of CHIP pairs.
Abbreviation for gigabyte.
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