292 Appendix – EN
EP Electro-photographic
EPH External paper handling
FIR Fast infrared receiver
FRU Field replacement unit
FTP File transfer protocol
HP ASAP Hewlett-Packard Automated Support
Access Program
HP FIRST Hewlett-Packard Fax information retrieval
support technology
HP-GL/2 Hewlett-Packard graphics language
HTML Hypertext markup language
HTSL Hardware Technical Support Center
HV High voltage
HVPS High-voltage power supply
I/O Input/output
IR Infrared
IrDA Infrared Data Association
IRQ Interrupt request
J Japanese
JEIDA A type of memory module
JIS Japanese Industry Standard
JOBID Print job identification
JP Jobpack
LAN Local area network
LC PICKUP ROLLER Lower-cassette pickup roller
LED Light-emitting diode
Acronyms and abbreviations (continued)