100 Chapter 2 – Service mode EN
Self-test in Extended Service mode
If you perform a self-test from the Extended Service menu, the printed
report will also show the firmware revision number and details.
Print the internal reports before performing Extended Service mode
tests. The reports contain a record of all settings and can assist you
in restoring the product to its settings.
The table below lists the tests that are performed during a self-test and
the actions to take when tests fail.
Extended Service mode self-test failures
Test If the test fails, take these actions:
Configuration test #1 Replace the formatter.
Fax memory test #1
Program test #1 1 Cycle power by unplugging the power cord
from the power source, waiting 10 seconds,
and then reconnecting the power cord.
2 If the test fails again, clear all memory (see
“Extended Service menu tree” on page 99).
3 If the test fails again, replace the formatter.
Configuration test #2
Configuration test #3
Configuration test #4
Fax memory test #2
Fax memory test #3
Fax memory test #4
Fax memory test #5
Modem 1 test #1
Modem 1 test #2
Modem 1 test #3