EN LJ 3200 Service mode functions 113
4 Power-cycle the product by unplugging (or turning off) the product
and then plugging back in (or turning on) the product.
To adjust a fax data-store parameter
When you adjust fax data-store parameters, the product does not alert
you of incorrect input values. Changing fax data-store parameters can
render the product illegal or inoperable.
1 Enter the parameter ID number, or use < and > to locate the
parameter you want to change. The control-panel display shows the
current setting.
See the service manual for complete lists of fax data -store
2 Enter the new value for the fax data-store parameter, and then
press E
Diagnostic mode
Use Diagnostic mode to check the functionality of LEDs, the control-
panel display LCDs, and to check the firmware version.
Diagnostic mode is available for firmware version 2.2 or later.
Ireland 44 Ukraine 63
Israel 21 United Kingdom 31
Italy 51 United States 15
Korea 4
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