Advanced Concepts
Virtual LANs (VLANs)
Advanced Concepts
1. If you have just added a new VLAN name and have not yet rebooted the
switch, do so now (step 7 in the previous procedure).
2. Return to the Main Menu and select Configuration to display the Config-
uration menu.
3. Select Port VLAN Assignment . You will then see a Port VLAN
Assignment screen similar to the following:
Figure 7-12. Example of the Port VLAN Assignment Screen
4. The VLAN column shows the VLAN to which each port on the switch is
assigned. (Ports that you do not specifically assign are automatically
assigned to the default VLAN.) To assign a port on the switch to a different
VLAN than the current selection:
a. Press [E] (for E
dit) to move the highlight to the VLAN column.
b. Use [v] to highlight the VLAN name for the port you want to re-assign
to a different VLAN.
c. Press the Space bar to select a different VLAN name.
d. Do one of the following:
– To re-assign another port to a different VLAN, return to step 8b.
– If you are finished assigning ports to VLANs, press [Enter] and [S]
(for S
ave) to activate the changes you've made and to return to
the Configuration menu.
VLAN assignment field
read-only fields
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