
Administering the Kerberos Server
Changing Ticket Information
Chapter 8154
Changing Ticket Information
You can change the ticket information used for a principal, including the
principal expiration date, ticket lifetime, and ticket renewal time.
To change the ticket information, complete the following steps:
Step 1. In the Principals tab, select the Realm where the principal resides.
Step 2. Click List All or Search to find the principal whose ticket information
you want to change.
See “Searching for a Principal” on page 149 for more information on how
to search for a principal.
Step 3. Click Edit to display the Principal Information window as shown in
Figure 8-2.
Step 4. In the General tab, change the principal expiration date using the
required format.
For more information on the date format and changing ticket
information, see “Rules for Setting Maximum Ticket Lifetime” on
page 155 and “Rules for Setting Maximum Renew Time” on page 156.
NOTE You only need to edit the ticket lifetime for a principal if that principal
must have a maximum ticket lifetime shorter than the
krbtgt/REALM@REALM principal.
Step 5. Click OK to accept the new ticket information.
You can use the Principal Information>Edit options to quickly reload
default values or to restore previously saved values at any time while
editing a principal. When you reload default values or restore previously
saved values, all the fields in the Principal Information window tabs are
reset to the default or previously saved values.