Administering the Kerberos Server
Searching for a Principal
Chapter 8150
[...] Represents any one character from the set except / (slash). For
example, [abc]* searches for all principal names starting with a, b,or
The following characters have a special meaning with the [...]
! Represents an exclusion when used immediately
after [ .
For example:
[!abc]* searches for all principal names that start
with any character other than a, b, or c.
[]a]* searches for all principal names that start
with the character ] or a.
[!]a]* searches for all principal names that do not
start with the character ] or a.
- Represents a range of characters. When used
immediately after [ or [!, or as the last character in
the set, this character is matched literally. For
test [1-9] searches for all principal names
starting with the characters test, followed by an
one number is the range 1 through 9.
[abc-] searches for all principal names starting
with a, b, c, or, “-”.
: Represents the starting of a character class
descriptor when used immediately after [ or [!.
Otherwise, it is matched literally.
The following character classes are supported:
[:alnum:] [:alpha:] [:cntrl:] [:digit:]
[:graph:] [:lower:] [:print:] [:punct:]
[:space:] [:upper:] [:xdigit:]
Table 8-9 Search Criteria (Continued)
Character Description