Configuring the Primary and Secondary Security Server
Configuring the Primary Security Server
Chapter 7100
Alternatively, you can use the following command to start the Kerberos
daemons kdcd and kadmind:
/sbin/init.d/krbsrv start
To start the kpropd daemon, use the following command:
NOTE Propagation is disabled if you select LDAP as your backend database.
Check with your LDAP administrator, for more information about
propagation of information on the LDAP Server.
Define Secondary Security Server Network Locations
To configure propagation, alter the Kerberos configuration files to define
server network locations. For more information, see Chapter 9,
“Propagating the Kerberos Server,” on page 241.
For each secondary security server installed on your network, edit the
krb.conf file on the primary security server by adding an entry to define
the role of this secondary security server in the realm. For more
information on the configuration files, see “The krb.conf File” on page 65.