Memory and Personality SIMM
Your HP LaserJet 5Si/5Si MX/5Si NX has four single inline memory
module (SIMM) slots for memory expansion. For the 5Si/5Si NX, all
four are available for expansion. For the 5Si MX, one slot is occupied by
a 8 MByte memory SIMM and another slot is occupied by a SIMM
holding Adobe’s PostScript Level 2 language. Therefore, there are two
available slots that you can use to install additional printer memory and
printer personalities.
The printer contains 4 MBytes of on board memory. By adding optional
SIMMs with 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 MBytes, you can increase memory to a
total of 76 MBytes (for the 5Si MX).
Note Memory SIMMs for the HP LaserJet 4 Plus and 4M Plus printers can be
used in the HP LaserJet 5Si series. PostScript language SIMMs for any
other printer cannot be used in the HP LaserJet 5Si series.
When you get a new memory board, compare the part number on the
outside of the package to the part number in Table C-1 below. If you
have not received the correct SIMM, notify your authorized
Hewlett-Packard dealer.
Table C-1 Memory SIMM Part Numbers
Size Part Number
2 MBytes C3131A
4 MBytes C3132A
8 MBytes C3133A
16 MBytes C3146A
Note 32-MByte SIMMs are not available from HP. The 32-MByte SIMMs are
supported, but must be obtained through third-party providers.
EN Memory and Personality SIMM Installation C-1