Figure B-1 shows the elements of a typical printer command (in this
instance a command for page orientation).
Printer Command Syntax
1. Escape character (begins escape sequence)
2. Command category
3. Value field (contains both alpha and numeric characters)
4. Uppercase letter (terminates escape sequence)
Escape Character
Printer commands always begin with the escape character (?). Table
B-1 shows the escape character for various software applications. (The
keyboard [Esc] key does not produce the escape character.) Check your
software manual for additional information.
Table B-1 Software Escape Character Commands
DOS Software
What You Enter What Appears on
Lotus 1-2-3 and
Type \027 027
Microsoft Word for DOS Hold down [Alt] key and type 027 on
the numeric keypad
WordPerfect for DOS Type <27> <27>
MS-DOS Editor Hold down [CTRL] [P] then press [Esc]
MS-DOS Edlin Hold down [CTRL] [V] then type [ ^[
dBase Type ?? CHR(27)+
?? CHR(27)+
Figure B-1
B-2 PCL Printer Commands (Escape Sequences) EN