Turning on EconoMode
You may be able to turn on EconoMode through your software
application or driver. If your software permits, you will probably prefer
to use this method. Otherwise, see “Turning on EconoMode from the
Control Panel” in the following section.
Note Where and how you make selections depends on your software
application or associated printer driver. The selection process may be
available only from within the driver. See Chapter 3 or your application
documentation for more information.
Turning on EconoMode from the Control Panel
1 Press [Menus] repeatedly until PRINT QUALITY MENU appears.
2 Press [Items] repeatedly until ECONOMODE=OFF * appears.
3 Press [+] to choose ON.
4 Press [Select *] to save your choice.
Note The printer settings usually come first from the application, then from
the printer driver, and finally from the control panel.
6-10 Print Quality EN