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The G36 E Rifle is a gas operated weapon with a rotating bolt head. Its
receiver, pistol grip, folding buttstock and handguard are made of high-
strength plastic material. This results in a very lightweight weapon.
Ammunition is fed from box-type magazines with a capacity of 30
cartridges. Several magazines may be coupled.
The optical sight is integrated into the carrying handle. The carrying
handle fits into the dovetail guideway on top of the receiver and is fixed
there by means of screws.
For cleaning and maintenance it is easy to disassemble the rifle into its
main assembly groups without the use of tools
The G36K E is the short version of the G36 E Rifle, with shortened barrel
and shortened handguard.
The MG36 E Light Machine Gun is identical to the G36 E Rifle, with the
exception of the barrel which is laid out for heavy duty fire and which is
thicker at its rear section.
The MG36 E is provided with a bipod and in addition to the 30 round
magazines there are also 100 round drum-type magazines available.
Fig.1: G36 E Rifle with carrying handle, left side view.
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Firing of rifle grenades
The G36 E rifle may fire rifle grenades using propellant cartridges or ball
ammunition. Regarding the selection of propellant charges, the
specifications of the grenade are to be taken into account.
For firing, the rifle grenade is to be slid onto the rifle grenade guide over
the flash hider.
Rifle grenades may be fired from the G36 E in the following positions
A) Off the shoulder with the shooter standing or kneeling. In this way,
the shooter can aim and fire a precise shot. See Fig. 55/56.
b) From the hip. In this way, the shooter can only fire an unaimed and
thus inaccurate shot.
The rifle grenades may not exceed an overall weight of 360 g.
Fig 55
Fig. 56