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Magazine loader
The magazine loader facilitates loading of magazines, especially the
loading of the 100 round drum-type magazine.
Fig. 22: Magazine loader
Night sighting unit
The night sighting unit is a specially developed residual light amplifier
which can be latched onto the carrying handle. This passive night
sighting unit reflects its image directly to the weapon’s optics.
Fig. 23: Night sight
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Loading by means of the magazine loader
¾ Place the magazine loader with its opening to the right side of the
magazine on top of the magazine.
¾ Insert up to max. 5 rounds into the magazine loader.
¾ Push the loader slide all the way down.
¾ Lift the magazine loader slide all the way, repeat, until the magazine
is fully loaded or until the desired number of rounds is inside the
Loading the drum magazines with the magazine loader is carried out in
the same manner as loading the box-type magazines.
Fig. 30: Magazine loader